Radiometric, control device RPB-01
Intended for: Detecting contamination of palms, overalls and shoes of the staff by radioactive substances; Producing a visible signal in case if the detected level of contamination exceeds the threshold.
Intended for: Detecting contamination of palms, overalls and shoes of the staff by radioactive substances; Producing a visible signal in case if the detected level of contamination exceeds the threshold.
Designed to control contamination of office premises, equipment and other objects polluted by beta –active radionuclides by measuring flux density of beta – particles.
Designed to control contamination of office premises, equipment and other objects polluted by alpha –active radionuclides by measuring flux density of alpha – particles.
Portable multifunctional professional device designed to measure: power of the ambient dose equivalent and ambient dose equivalent of X-ray, gamma (including pulse).
Designed to measure:equivalent power of the ambient dose H*(10) of gamma radiation; equivalent of the ambient dose H*(10) of gamma radiation; flux density of beta radiation.